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The "Red Day Reading" team of JCU won many awards in Jiangxi province

Time:2020/12/11 10:38:29    Click:    Author:    Source:

How do young students inherit the red culture?Recently, the winning teamsof the "Red Day Reading" competition of colleges and universities in Jiangxi Province wereannounced. Calligraphy Association Red Day Reading Team and Red Tour Day Reading Team of JCU won the first prize, and the Starfire Team ofJCUwon the third prize. On the morning of December 8th, the reporter interviewed the Red Day Reading Team of Calligraphy Association of JCU, which won the first prize.

It is understood that the "Red Day Reading" competition is one of the "Red Day Reading" 1+4 activities in colleges and universities in Jiangxi Province.The number "1", refers to thered culture theme art exhibition, "4" refers respectively to the "Red Day Reading" competition award ceremony, the Red Culture Forum of university students, the online show of red culture theme art works,and the activity " I speak for Jiangxi red culture" .

Since the launch of the activity, colleges and universities of Jiangxiprovince have submitted nearly 80,000 day reading results, and produced 13,407 excellent works in various forms including animation, H5, poetry, short video and so on. During National Day Holiday, 1000 provincial winning teams and tens of thousands of school-level support teams went to the patriotism education base of Jiangxi Province for on-the-spot reading, and submitted 1786 red day reading results. Finally, 40 first prizes, 60 second prizes and 100 third prizes were selected.

"After the 'Red Day Reading' competition was launched in JCU, under the guidance of the Publicity Department and the Youth League Committee, students responded positively and quickly set off a craze of visiting red scenic spots, learning red knowledge and displaying red achievements. More than 200 students formed more than 40 'Red Day Reading' teams".

Party Committee Member, Director of the Publicity Department Zeng Desheng said, in the competition, JCU's three teamsstoodout from thousands of teams at the provincial level, especially Xia Zilong, a member of the "Red Day Reading" of the Calligraphy Association of JCU, a student from Ceramic Design, Grade 2018, was one of the studentsinvited to make a keynotespeech.

Tellingstories about red culture in a way thatpeople are willingtolisten to

Nearly 12 meters long,including8 traditional Chinese ink painting works, 16 calligraphy notes, 18 martyrs' posthumous note transcription......This isRed Memory, a large stitched album workpresentedby the Calligraphy Association of JCU in the "Jiangxi Universities Red Culture-themed Art Exhibition Tour".The work fully demonstrates theheroic spirit of the revolutionary martyrs who acted on the battlefield according to the order and were fearless in their sacrifice.

"We encouraged each other, did a good job, went all over Jingdezhen and bought the biggest album we could find, but that was just the first step.We have encountered many challenges in the creation. We have tried a variety of paper, a variety of typesetting designs, selected materials for many times, work together late into the night as a team, wrote copy-writing, edited videos and painted manuscripts, then mounted the manuscripts ... The work was not completed until 4am on the day of the deadline. When we saw the finished work, we were both happy and excited."Recalling the process of the creation, Zhu Yilu, the leader of the "Red Day Reading Group" of JCU Calligraphy Association, still finds it difficult to calm down.

She told the reporter that she and her team members Xia Zilong, Huang Longfei, Lv Longhui, Wang Xiang and Wan Liuyun spent ten days trying and exploring in the early stage of the creation, and finally decided to express it in the form of an album, which should be large and long, because only in this way can the greatness of the revolutionary ancestors be expressed.

"The red gene is in the blood of the Chinese people from birth. The red culture is in the soul of the Chinese people from the moment we can listen. Jiangxi revolutionary red culture story is moving, people feel shocked and deeply educated when listening to it.This activity has given us a good inspiration. Red culture can be well combined with our young people's professional expertise. As young people in the new era, we should tell Jiangxi red culture stories and inherit red genes in a way that we like to see and hear." Xia Zilong said.

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